Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thing 19

Ah, more ways to waste time.  As if I needed anymore distractions from getting things done.  Well, now I have them.  I already have a Pinterest account.  I used to have the app on my phone, but had to delete it.  I was wasting FAR too much time.  IMDB is something I have used quite frequently.  When I'm watching tv or a movie and see someone familiar, if I cannot figure out where I have seen them, I immediately head to IMDB in search of an answer.  This can be a rabbit hole as I then find myself looking at other things he/she has starred in if I like him/her.  Then, I find myself reading synopsis after synopsis of television shows or movies to see what I should add to my never-ending list of things to watch.  I have also used yelp on rare occasions to look at reviews of restaurants or businesses.  I have mostly used this when traveling to a new city to find the best places to stay, eat, or visit.

I can't say that I have every thought about the sites listed for completion of thing 19 as being social networking sites.  I have used some of these sites before and never thought of them as being social networking.  To me, social networking sites are sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.  These sites seem less interactive and more impersonal than what I would consider social networking sites to be.  Social networking sites are something that educators will inevitably have to use, regardless of how opposed to them they may be.  Social networking appears to be here to stay, so we may as well embrace it as much as possible.  Using it may also make learning more appealing to students who will inevitably belong to social networking sites at some point or another.

Classroom 2.0 Ning is something I could actually see myself using in the future.  This site has suggestions of how to use web 2.0 tools in the classroom and provides ideas for how teachers can incorporate technology into their classrooms.  Social networking for educators is something that will be essential as I enter the classroom.  Technology is here to stay and will only become more and more integral to the classroom as I enter the classroom and finally begin teaching.  Using social networking can allow educators to connect with other educators around the world to share ideas and learn new things.

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