Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thing 17

Tagging was not something I knew anything about outside of tagging photos on Facebook.  I don't often bookmark pages when looking for things because the list of bookmarks can become a bottomless pit that sucks me in and I end up wasting more time looking for something than I do actually using that something. was extremely easy to use.  The video I watched was very informative and I learned a lot about tagging through watching it.

I could see using this type of tagging website when I become a teacher.  As the video mentioned, you can network with other educators through tagging.  If I found a topic that I was about to teach, I could tag websites I found under that specific topic.  Then, I could search for other people who had tagged websites for the same topic.  This could save me time as I could use someone else's research to get ideas about what to teach or how to teach something.

When I searched "educational technology" on, I found  This website has an encyclopedia, almanac, atlas, dictionary, thesaurus, etc.  There is up-to-date news information for students to refer to for homework help or researching topics.  There are also links for students to read about study tips and research tips.  This could be useful in an elementary classroom when teaching students how to research topics.  I may teach students how to write their first papers, depending on what grade I teach.  Writing is something that can be scary and intimidating for students.  Providing them with a wealth of information and resources may lessen the anxiety of such a task.  Since this website is geared towards children, the information on this website would likely be more appropriate than other resources and will likely provide students with level-appropriate information to refer to.  I like the idea of because whichever sites I bookmark can be accessed from any computer.  I don't have to be at home, on my laptop, to access things.  This would be very useful when I start teaching since my home computer and school computer will be separate.

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