Saturday, March 22, 2014

Thing 16

I created a calendar using 30 Boxes.  It was very easy to use, but it is not something I see myself using in my daily life.  I use my calendar in my phone on basically a daily basis.  I am constantly updating it with reminders and events.  I like having it in my phone because it's always at my fingertips.  I can't see me switching to do the same thing online.  However, I could see using this in my future classroom.  I don't know if there is a feature that allows you to make the calendar public or at least to share it with people.  If there is, a classroom calendar could be created and shared with parents to keep them apprised of upcoming school events, field trips, projects, tests, etc.  I'm not really sure how this is much different from the google calendar we did in one of our earlier postings.

I chose to use Symbaloo.  It was really easy to use and I liked the way it looked.  Also, I have heard of symbaloo prior to now.  I never really understood what it was, but now I do and I see how it could be useful.  I am guilty of wasting a great deal of time on the internet when I get online to do something that needs to be done.  Once I'm online, I suddenly remember every "important" thing I need to do and think of all sorts of things that "must" be read or researched immediately.  Symbaloo might help curtail these bad habits.  Having necessary links compiled into a central location could help me stay on track and ultimately save me time in the future.  I don't think I'll actually make it my homepage simply because I'm a creature of habit.  I don't like change.  I just like things to stay the same, and I'm not really interested in making such a change right now.  Maybe in the future, I will revisit such a change.

I think I would actually use a calendar in my classroom, not for personal use.  I like the idea of creating a to-do list, but I think I'm a little too old-fashioned to have my to-do list online.  I like the act of actually crossing something off of my to-do list when I finish it.  I get a sense of accomplishment from marking through something.  I'm constantly making lists of things I need to do on my phone, but I never feel very accomplished because I can't physically cross them off.  I like the idea of the sticky notes, but I didn't want to download the program to try them.  My old computer had a sticky note application that I used quite often just to remind myself of certain things.  I could see using that in the classroom to remind myself of upcoming events or of things I need to remember to do each day.

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